February 8, 2025

The Flaneur show – call for video reviews of culture, films, animations, etc

The Flaneur is starting a new online video channel called Flaneur TV. This will cover the same topics as the site but be in the exciting new media of moving images. Yes, The Flaneur is following in the footsteps of the Lumiere brothers.

So we need video reviews of art and culture. Poems and stories on video. Short films and animations. Travel clips. Film of street art around your neighbourhood. Film of artists at work. Private view segments. Comedy. Your band. A film of your studio, or you working in your studio. Artists talking about their work. Writers talking about their work and showing their desks. Cooking films. Eating films. Video art. Digital musings… If you can record it we’re interested. Within reason.

Please send your work to tv@flaneur.me.uk .Please use a service like Dropbox if your file is very big. use the form below to upload your work.



Do you need to be an expert filmmaker?

We want to show short films and animations, but we also want to feature video shot by amateurs, so – No! We want interesting content, not perfect technical quality. Although if you’ve got perfect technical quality as well that’s great!

What camera can I use to make my film?

Any! Use your camera phone or the camera on your laptop – or your broadcast quality camera if you have one.

Any pointers?

Although this is a video project, audio is very important – viewers are more forgiving of image than audio. So try and get the audio as good as possible. But however your film ends up, send it in!

Length should be from thirty seconds to five minutes for webcam comments and up to half an hour for short films.

Subject matter?

If you find it interesting it’s probably ideal. Upload it now!


Thanks for taking part! Any questions – video@flaneur.me.uk . Get filming!


You must have copyright for everything in your video. You cannot use music that you don’t own the rights for.

By sending us your work you agree that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions which can be found here.

Be sure to subscribe to FlaneurTV so that we can stay in touch by clicking here.

1 Comment on The Flaneur show – call for video reviews of culture, films, animations, etc

  1. I agree with most statements made here. The ability to understand The Flaneur show – call for video reviews of culture, films, animations, etc in this market will show your strength in the future. Flaneur I hope you keep writing more blogs like this one. Great job Flaneur.

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