Museums and galleries across the UK are hoping to win one of ten leading contemporary artists to come to their venue and put on a unique and unusual event for Museums at Night 2014, the UK’s annual late night festival of art, culture and heritage.
The artists involved include Grayson Perry, Alex Hartley, Spencer Tunick, Amy Sharrocks, Rankin, Matt Pyke, Janette Parris, Mr Smith, Jessica Voorsanger and Fred Deakin. They have shortlisted their favourite ideas and now members of the public have just two weeks to decide which artist will go where. Voting goes live next week, Tuesday January 14th, and closes on Tuesday 28th January. You can vote for your favourite venue at: www.museumsatnight.org.uk.
Museums at Night 2014 will take place from Thursday 15 March – Saturday 17, 2014.
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