How did you get into photography?
Through my passion for Street Art and Graffiti. I documented it and found my shots got better, and better and better!
What is it about the medium that most excites you?
It’s everywhere, everybody likes photography and people don’t feel intimidated by it and don’t feel they need a degree in art to enjoy it.
What subjects do you like to photograph the most?
I shoot London.
Urban Landscapes and architecture, Street Art/Graffiti, People. But I have always refused to specialise.
How does London act as a stage/backdrop/scene for you to photograph?
Its skyline changes constantly, its people are diverse, it can be dark and menacing as well as light and full of humour.
Have you met some interesting people on your photographic travels? Can you share a funny story?
Interesting ones, do you mean setting up my tripod at 5am on a Sunday morning about to shoot an urban landscapes and having drunk guys right out of a club wanting to break my camera and my face as I’m apparently taking their photo?
Or security guards at the London Eye threatening to call the police as I may be a terrorist plotting an attack because I have a tripod? (It’s well known, Al Qaeda uses tripods and DSLRs instead of camera phones…)
Or maybe being alone in an derelict warehouse in Hackney littered with needles to shoot some Graffiti?
How significant is using digital enhancements on your images? Do you prefer to keep them natural or play around with them on Photoshop?
It depends on the result I want to achieve. You have to get it right in the camera to start with, after all, something inherently bad cannot be improved. When used with moderation, without going over the top, I have no shame in adjusting an image. It requires a lot skill which most Photoshop detractors don’t understand.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
We are bombarded by photos on the internet, in magazines, etc… So that without doubt influences me. Websites like Flickr are full of fantastic images and ideas so it’s a real challenge to come up with something truly original.
What is coming up for you artistically this year? And what are your goals?
I always aim for at least twice the success of the previous year. I currently have my first solo show on at The Refinery Bar in Southwark, Jester Jacques Gallery is going to include me in the artists they represent and I’m working hard to reach influential people in London. I want another, bigger show before the end of the year.
Tell us about your new book!
That’s the big focus for me this year. I have put together and self-published my 70 best images of London, ranging from people to graffiti, architecture, urban landscapes and a lot more. All together it’s the essence of London. So far the feedback I have received is very encouraging, I have sold a few copies and the next step is getting it in the hands of the right people.
Finally, what advice would you give other young artists trying to pursue a creative career?
First of all, go for it and believe in yourself or no one will.
Aim high, be your worse critic and accept all feedback be it negative or positive.
Post your work online on specialised websites and when you feel you are ready, get your own website.
Even if you don’t like it, embrace social media and build your following as it works and opens doors.
While you have to be confident, don’t be cocky and stay humble.
Believe in Karma, so help people out whenever you can and it will come back to you.
And finally, don’t miss an opportunity to tell people what you do, you never know who they may know.
* Nicholas Goodden’s work will be for sale soon on Jester Jacques Gallery’s online shop *
Follow Jester Jacques Gallery on Facebook and on www.jesterjacquesgallery.co.uk
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