Frantic grasping at a straw like theory
Blowing bubbles into a mind that’s weary
Holding onto the flimsy roots
Of a half trashed object found in car boots
Wondering around in an avatar frame
Pondering why your results are the same
Your focus is on a relationship script
That stems from a condition the masses have sipped
Why the obsession to be defined by another?
Your happiness sits in you like a full bodied mother
Waiting to birth your truth and your vision
To steer you away from a constant collision
Crying at night because you sit alone
Settling for anything that sets a familiar tone
Your eyes are searching for perfection in soul
When what lies within is the root to your goal
Panic stricken by confused intention
You end up as part of a messy dissection
Self neglect for the sake of deception
So you can prove your not on the shelf of rejection
A minor oversight with a major lesson
Leaves you stranded and dazed from mass sedation
Believing in pleasure whilst experiencing cessation
Cant you see through this soul degradation?
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