Plot for Peace is a documentary-thriller that tells the remarkable true story of the end of apartheid and the release of Mandela in South Africa. If you have never heard of Jean-Yves Ollivier then you need to see this film to understand the amazing story behind these huge world events. The award-winning film is released on 24th March and you can buy a copy of the DVD here, but we also have free FOUR copies up for grabs.
To have a chance of winning a DVD all you have to do is:
Follow @FlaneurZine on Twitter and Tweet:
RT and follow @flaneurzine to win one of 4 #free DVD copies of Plot for Peace released on 24th March
If you are not on Twitter then just send an email to with PLOT FOT PEACE in the title.
The competition ends at the end of 24th March when we will choose four random winners from the entries.
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