‘Encounters’ is an installation of drawings by David Marron that explores illness and people. Prodding at enclosed bodily ailments that manifest within, then spill outward – in one way, or another. Dramatic disturbances that shred our daily lives, or just impinge on them slightly.
A love of drawing determined the medium. With its faltering, erased marks, revealing its mistakes and underlying structure like a smeared x-ray. The simplicity of drawing offers up some form of humanity through its expressive gesture and our basic, unaffected disposition to mark. It has an incompleteness that points somewhere toward the inexplicable, using the flaws to expose.
The subjects of the drawings are non-specific portraits combining fragments of differing people and experiences into singular related works. Each depicted figure is a hybrid composite of varying physical features, infirmities, ticks and conversations, that scratch at anatomy. A selective and simplified anatomy, repetitively underpinning and connecting the series of drawings. Resembling the piecing together of someone’s signs and symptoms to arrive at some sort of diagnosis.
Friday 29 April until Monday 2 May 2016, from 12 noon until 6pm daily
Lumen Studios, The Crypt, St John on Bethnal Green, London E2 9PA
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