Okay, so this one caught me by surprise. I’d forgotten about submitting to a Film Fest south of the border. Great. But where in the heck is…Oaxaca? Wherever it is, they want me down there for the celebration. What if I don’t shoot tequila? Drinking mescal makes you mui loco, especially if you swallow the worm bobbing on the bottom of the bottle. The screenplay they enjoyed was the one about the rebellious priest who breaks from the Church after falling in love with a woman in his congregation. The main character is based loosely on a priest in Palo Alto who embraced New Age thought and was a founding member of the Prayer Warriors. Anyway, back to Oaxaca. The closest I’ve been to that locale was Guadalajara in the Jalisco District up north. The Zapotecs inhabited the region around 500 BC and ruled until the Aztecs arrived in 1250. The first priest to set foot in the territory was Juan Diaz in 1528. Okay, that’s enough with the history lesson. I’ll keep you updated as to how my screenplay does in the Challenge and whether or not we make it to the Fest.
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