Coach Kirby won’t bug you like a Marine Drill Sergeant or a Tony Robbins Running on Hot Coals. I’m into having fun. Why? Because if there’s no fun involved in the process of writing you won’t do it. I know because I’ve put the pen down many times when creating turned into something tedious. And just think of this–if you’re not into it, what will you produce? Tedious writing.
So, let me help you find that creative spark inside by focusing on what’s fun to do, or at least extremely important. I’m good at giving overviews, to look down the road a year from now and chart your future achievements. It’s not going to be easy. But it will have elements of fun that will keep you going. Check out my new website and contact me when ready: https://lemonsharkpress.wixsite.com/writing-coach
LINK: https://lemonsharkpress.wixsite.com/writing-coach
Excerpt From Memoir: I felt the urge to reach out and hug Troy. But I knew my brother would despise me for doing that. To him, love was a false emotion and a sign of weakness. He’d already tilted his moral compass in favor of hate. He shared that trait with our father, but Troy’s brand of loathing was far more intense. His hatred went blood deep. I noticed a bitter calculation in his eyes, something that made me feel he was reviewing key hurts that I was somehow responsible for. I sensed he wanted my future to be a dark, painful place as payment for the miseries he felt I’d caused.
A Genius @ Writing & Teaching the Craft. Wright helped me shape my first nonfiction book and now it’s making the rounds in New York under the guidance of a premiere agent! Thanks Kirby!