Frankly my dear you’ve created a damn!
Rolling back tears like lithium laced ham
Displaying a facade of autumn covered ease
As she thought about crumbling crackers like the floor beneath her knees
Repetition made a bed for her wishes
Putting her to sleep with a myriad of kisses
She wanted to kick out and claim a title like “Mrs”
But she took a back seat and finished washing the dishes.
It’s not that she was lazy, just relaxed like a daisy’s call
Covered over like a graze from a playground fall
Overlooked with a haze from a volcanic shawl
Only 5 “2 she’d never quite felt so tall
Found in a pea pod down by the neighbours pool
She outgrew pastures of nailed down emotional drool.
Climbed to the top of the stem by the gate
Viewed the horizon from the reflection on the slate
Teeny tiny girl with shoes like poppy seeds
Opened her heart with silent and wholesome pleads.
Struck down by billowing wind and rain
Her head cracked as she echoed his name
Little did she know his alter ego was quick sand
Changing with the tide like a weather made brass band
She could never hold something so moveable
Unless she became it and changed her name to plausible
At such closed angles how was it possible?
So she went back down to the tree by the farmers gate
Slipped on the part that they told her to re-create
Shook off an idea of holding sunshine with her destined mate
And promptly displayed weakness that strength couldn’t imitate…
So as not to scare birds that were prone to hesitate
Sitting back in a pod of sugar
She caramelised in a crystal cage
Only edible to those who grazed
And they usually ate so fast they’d never see
That she tasted like honey, wild and free
Encapsulating a fragrance of something untouchable
Now resting in a belly of all things recyclable.
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