March 16, 2025

Prometheus Awakes

Prometheus Awakes was nothing like I expected. Though I’m not sure I knew what to expect, seeing as I am a novice to aerial work, and anything close to this sort of performance! There were some very pleasant surprises – namely a hoard of people from my drama school, and the beautiful sunshine. However, despite bringing a number of layers for cold and waterproof clothing, it didn’t occur to me that I might need sun cream!

I’m entirely sure how much detail I’m allowed to go into about the performance, as I know there is an element of secrecy! I can say that it involves being very, very, very high up. At the audition, I wanted to be raised higher and higher – but being outside and being high is a completely different kettle of fish to the same thing inside. Handily there is a sign we can make if there is a problem, but I don’t know if realising you’re scared of heights in the middle of rehearsals for an aerial performance is something that counts!

Over the last two days, there has been a wonderful sense of being on a school trip. This might be because the last time I remember being in a harness was when going abseiling with school, but contributing factors are having team leaders, buddies, and assigned seats with our names on. Not mentioning the reminders to wear plenty of layers, bring waterproofs, and having to ask if you want to go to the toilet…

I can’t believe that we’ve only had two days rehearsal, and that’ll all be over tomorrow. I can safely say I have never seen, let alone experienced, anything like this. I have also learnt that a good way to overcome a fear of heights, is to have so many other thing to think about(keeping in time with the music, facing the right way, and doing the choreography in the right order) that your brain doesn’t have room to worry about being so far away from the ground.


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