March 17, 2025

Art market adventures In which Galinka turns £1 in to £1m on the art market

Current Total: £1
Still need to make: £999,999.
The editor gave me a pound and told me to make it into a million buying and selling art or I’d get the sack…

Oh dear. This isn’t going well. After the last issue’s debacle – when after fees and postage the lovely flower picture only broke even – I still only had a pound to play with. This time I reckoned I bought wisely. I went for design. Maybe the editor would say ‘I said art!’ But he couldn’t argue with profit and those retro Martini coasters were the period business.
I put the advert on ebay and waited for my victims, sorry, design collectors:

Martini Retro Period design coasters
Seven red and green Martini coasters with cork backings. I am not sure what they are made of but it appears to be a ceramic. Approx: 9cm in diameter each. Vital Additional Information: For the mathematicians amongst you that gives an approximate circumference of 28cm and a surface area per coaster of 63cm squared. Is that big enough for your purposes? Only you can decide…

A week is a long time when you are waiting for your first great art deal. I waited. It’s a large part of this game. I was more realistic than last time. My expectations had been lowered. I didn’t expect to make the whole £1m with this one sale. I didn’t expect to be a Leo Castelli. Not straight away.

By the final day of the auction there were still no bids. No problem. I know how it works. All the buyers were crouched over their keyboards, waiting, poised, terrified they would not be able to add these beauties to their collections. Each one reluctant to make the first move.

Unfortunately they forgot to make any move at all. The design classics didn’t sell.

This project is not going well.

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