December 19, 2024

Zine recommendations

Monday morning Says is a zine by three St Martin’s illustration graduates with a delightful premise. Not having jobs, but wanting to look busy like everyone else, they meet up on Monday mornings to draw. Issue 1 concentrated on the British delight in saying sorry. It combines this with artistic analysis of the relationship between the Koreas, North and South. An unusual combination. I am willing to wager you could search the British library for a week and not find another publication devoted to those two topics. Such is the pleasure of zines.You never know what will be on the next page.

Mustard is a comedy zine with contacts. Colour pages! This one has funding.With adverts from the BBC and interviews with Channel 4 stars it is on the cusp of magazinehood, but its size, attitude and availability keep it in the zine arena, just.

Pie is created in New Zealand and is a ‘medley of thoughts and impressions’. Printed in full colour with articles on Hair (‘We are not really in control of what out body is doing…’), Beautiful close ups of snowflakes. Any publication that can combine on one page Kondratieff’s Super Cycles with photos from an artist’s residency at the top of a Chinese escalator is living the zine dream to its full potential.

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