March 15, 2025

Fine Artists: Promote your prints and drawings cash-free – pay by art!

Let’s get your art noticed – send us prints or drawings to offer as prizes on Twitter

People on Twitter like a prize. Tell them about a new artist and they’ll click the link and maybe say ‘Interesting’. Offer them an artwork as a prize however and if they like it they will not only click on the link, they’ll retweet it to all their followers. And if that prize is a print of your work, it’s your name and work that starts a journey around the net. People see your work and get to know your name.

Fame and fortune in the olden days was only found by painting scenes from Greek mythology or ancient history and having your paintings exhibited at the Salon. News travelled so slowly that you were apt to be dead before collectors took your work seriously. Luckily this is no longer the case. With the internet and Twitter it is possible to get your work seen around the world in less time than it would have taken Monet to decide which water lilly to paint today. The only downside is that artists often dislike marketing, and it usually costs a lot of pounds, shillings and pence.

Until, that is, now.

At The Flaneur we know that artists have a finite amount of cash and we don’t want any of it. We know that you have interesting drawings and prints and we do want some of those.


Send an email to with an image of a print or drawing that you would like to offer as a prize on Twitter.

If we choose your work we will run a competition on Twitter offering your work as a prize. If people like it your work will get retweeted and mentioned around the net.

What does pay by art mean?

There is no financial cost involved. If you are chosen the fee we will exact is one of your prints or drawings that you think would look good on our wall.

How does it work?

It’s rather simple. If we like your work we will contact you. You then send us two of your prints or drawings. We offer one as a prize on Twitter. If people like it you get lots of retweets and online mentions. (Of course if people don’t like it, nothing will happen…)

I’m an artist and I’m interested. What should I do next?

Send an email to with an image of a print or drawing that you would like to offer as a prize on Twitter.


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