September 30, 2024

Frieze Fringe – Moniker Art Fair @Monikerprojects

Even in the queue for the Moniker Art Fair things were getting arty. In a parking space across the road Darren Macpherson was painting a BMW Mini in homage to the art cars that BMW have made in association with artists over the years.

Inside the Old Truman Brewery (East London’s self -proclaimed ‘Revolutionary arts and media quarter’) the fair had a buzz of excitement. As well as the art there was a live DJ and a well-attended bar. Returning for the fifth year this is art fair Brick Lane style, buying art whilst sipping a pint. If beards got in free the organisers would go bankrupt.

Street art is the original emphasis of the fair and that continues in 2014. At the opening Benjamin Murphy was at work as the drinking and chatting went on behind. He’ll be there for the fair’s duration, creating pieces using his electrical tape on glass technique.

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Twenty stands have been taken by galleries including Curious Duke, TAG Fine Arts and Pouch of Douglas. Open Walls are showing Berlin based artist Vermibus, who collects advertising posters, manipulates them and replaces them in their original context.  The H&M model on show appears to be dripping blood, her skin suffering. A photo of it back in its original position – probably on the side of a bus stop – would have been good.

Not far into the fair there is the white outline of a murder victim on the floor. Make sure you look up to see the rest of Mister E Dawe’s piece suspended from the ceiling.

Other artists to watch out for include:

David Shillingham has created a long installation incorporating individual works, van doors, chalk drawings and statements.

At the other end of the size scale look out for Miriam Elia‘s book We go to the gallery.

Typewriter artist Keira Rathbone. Sitting at a desk and smashing at an old style typewriter like a slightly mad secretary. Working from life, looking up at the scene and somehow creating images in horizontal lines like a printer making it up as it goes. (Check programme for live typing times)

Laid-back and friendly Moniker also includes live screen printing, street art tours, DJ sets, live mural painting and panel discussions. Make sure it’s on your Frieze week itinerary.

Until 19th October.

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