Art galleries show beautiful, though-provoking work. But then they ruin it by plastering images of their masterpieces all over absolute tat. This has now been officially defined as Art Tat, and we are on a mission to find the best of the worst merchandise sold by art galleries across the world. Why do they do it? The route out of the show is usually through the gift shop. The culmination of the artist’s work is…a pencil with their name on it or a magnet with their largest image reduced to a few square centimetres. (Somewhere I even think I saw an inflatable model of the character in Munch’s Scream). Your mental images of the artworks are ruined when you immediately see your favourite painting on a mug or an eraser. Or worse.
First up we have a cracker from Tate Modern. Their new show of Alexander Calder sculptures finishes with the chance to buy one of these Calder-enhanced beauties:
Yes, that’s a holder for your Oyster card (the plastic card accepted on the buses and underground in London). Is that really the best way to end an art exhibition?
And the show itself? Read a review here.
Please send us examples of Art Tat you see on your visits to art galleries. Tweet them to @flaneurzine using the hashtag #ArtTat, email ArtTat@flaneur.me.uk or leave a comment below.
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