“Grupa Junij” was established in 1969 by a group of young artists in order to bring together similar creative impulses. The significance of the group therefore surpassed the range of a homogeneous art group that adopted principles that follow the example of the successors of historical avant-garde and created a constructive synthesis of different styles and trends. The main idea embraced by the group was the autonomy of art as such, freed of any political, academic, and aesthetic demands for pure styles and genres.

During the period, in which modernist painting and sculpture prevailed, the members of “Grupa Junij” resorted to reproducible media, particularly the innovative use of photography, although there was a broad range of different forms of expression and media. Because of their diversity, the creative practices of the group cannot be generalised, however the common characteristic of a broad range of different artists gathered in “Grupa Junij” is connected with figuralism, narrative art, and a direct expression of a message. The group was highly sensitive to the socio-political events of that time, which it translated into a highly original artistic language without any reservations. Their works were steeped in the spirit of the 1970s and early 1980s, as well as topics such as ecology, global demography and the related side effects of accelerated urbanisation, alienation, militancy, repression by state institutions, and growing consumerism.
The International Art Collection Junij had organically grown because of the contacts with number of prominent artists. In 1996 Junij Association, represented by group’s founding member Stane Jagodi?, donated the extensive collection to the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana. There are over 140 international artists with around 1300 works. The exhibition in Vienna represents the selection of previous exhibition Junij in June that took place in Museum of Architecture and Design in frames of 6th Photonic Moments festival in Ljubljana.
Grupa Junij exhibition is the result of collaboration between Photon – Centre for Contemporary Photography and Museum of Architecture and Design Ljubljana.
Exhibition is open until 16 December 2012!
Eyes-On Festival / Slovenian Cultural Centre Korotan
Albertgasse 48, 1080 Vienna
Every day: 9 am – 1 pm / 2 pm – 9 pm
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