There are many things to do in Bologna, but here are five outdoor experiences that should be enjoyed by all visitors to the city.
1. Walking through the Porticos
Bologna has 40km of porticoes which make the city look superb and are a boon in both hot and wet weather. There are still a few wooden porticoes left, but most are made of brick and stone.
Location: Everywhere in the centro storico
2. Climbing the Asinelli Tower
You can only climb one of the Due Torre, but it’s the tallest. Almost twice as tall as the leaning tower of Pisa. That’s a long way up. Worth it for the views though.
Location: East end of Via Rizzoli which leads from Piazza Maggiore
3. Trying some pizza from a busy street stall
We walked past a pizzeria near the two towers with a real bustle outside. That is enough to make me think, ‘Hang on, there must be something delicious in there.’ There was.
Location: We stumbled on our pizza near the Two Towers.
4. Enjoying the sights and smells along Via Pescherie Vecchie
A great street of markets, fruit, salumerie, porcini. Just the place to admire the quality of the vegetables or buy some porcini to take home.
Location: leading east from Piazza Maggiore, underneath Piazza dei Banchi
5. Trying the whispering arcade
This needs a bit of explaining. Behind the tourist office on Piazza Maggiore there is an arcade. If you stand in the one corner and whisper then the sound travels up the column, across the ceiling and can be heard by someone standing in the opposite corner. Remarkable!
Location: North of Piazza Maggiore, before you reach Piazza Re Enzo
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