December 19, 2024

Video: Protest March against the BBC by #occupythebbc #politics

Watch footage of the BBC protest here

When something’s happening on the streets of London you can be sure The Flaneur will be reporting. Unless we’re still in bed. Luckily Occupy’s protest at the BBC didn’t start until lunchtime…

After the absence of BBC coverage of the November 5th #MillionMasksMarch protesters, the protest was today brought to their Langham Place HQ. One o’clock saw a brief photocall as near to the BBC building as the newly-erected crowd barriers allowed. A small group of Anonymous and Occupy members with hand-written posters posed for the cameras, whilst a rapper took the opportunity of performing to the small crowd which didn’t seem too impressed with his style. Someone little wore a fetching onesie.

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Click the image above to see a video of the march

A series of speakers including George Barda, Linda Kaucher and Dave Dewhurst told the small crowd why they were protesting and what the BBC had or hadn’t done. Speeches did not remain BBC-focused, but covered topics from the control of the mainstream media by big business to the NHS. After the main speakers anyone was able take the microphone and give their opinions. A very democratic approach, that can lead to boring diatribes.

Finally Kerry Ann Mendoza summed up, saying the BBC was failing in its duty to hold power to account and ask questions. Then a march set off south along Regent’s Street, heading towards Downing Street. Outside the gates a few people sat down and the rest loitered, a few policemen genially trying to keep the traffic moving where possible. Slogans were shouted, banners waved and everything dissipated peacefully.  Watch footage of the march here.


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