March 17, 2025


  It’s funny to think that the council estate I grew up in was once considered an innovative architectural style and progressive social housing project. Surprising, because if you are unlucky enough to visit Roehampton […]

Gerhard Richter: Panorama @ Tate, Modern

Tate Modern 6 October 2011  –  8 January 2012 “For Baudelaire Manet was the painter of modern life, for me Richter is the painter of modern life“* I don’t think I would say Richter is […]

Power Drawing

  I went to the British Museum recently and discovered a room I have been meaning to visit for a while to verify that it actually exists! And it does – hidden in the back of the […]

Arbiter Of Taste

    Charles Saatchi’s recent deluded rant about the “vulgar and vile” art world was misguided because all he seemed to do is bemoan his standing in the upper echelons of uber rich art collectors. […]

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