Film reviews, TV reviews and tales of film making and festivals
If you died tomorrow who would come to your funeral? If you’re like me it’s not a question to which you’ve given much thought. I haven’t made a seating plan for the church, or even […]
How many actors do you need to make a gripping film? Attenborough’s Ghandi used over 300,000 extras, but in this age of austerity filmmakers are making do with much fewer. Steven Knight has just written […]
Ah, the movies. Another day at the Venice Film Festival, another study of a man deranged. What is it with filmmakers and the unsettled of mind? Come on chaps, if it carries on much longer […]
‘The Sisters of Little Mercy…’ A BBC-backed film is in competition at the 2013 Venice Film Festival. Philomena is the tale of an elderly woman’s search for the son that was taken from her by […]