Film reviews, TV reviews and tales of film making and festivals
If you go went to Sheffield Doc/Fest then it’s likely you had an interest in documentaries. But there were plenty of other things to catch your attention in the moments between screenings and masterclasses. Blabdroids, […]
Since the arrival of Spaced in 1999, Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost’s creations have grown with us over the years, converting many to the escapades of lovable characters in fantastic scenarios with lashings […]
Poet M.R. Essojay has a nice line in staccato dialogue, creating short films such as She drives me to Drink, which you can see below. A tired relationship between two people plays out in a realist environment […]
When you go to a film festival you should always spend hours looking at the programme. Working out a schedule is part of the fun… I’d like to watch film B, but it clashes with […]