Film reviews, TV reviews and tales of film making and festivals
Directed by Ridley Scott, Prometheus follows the naive crew of trillionaire Peter Weyland, as they are put to sleep and set abound a portentous voyage to discover the beginnings of mankind. It is the wealth […]
I went into Men in Black 3 with pretty much zero expectations. I’d seen little about it (bar a Will Smith appearance on the Graham Norton Show) and although the original Men in Black obviously […]
Dark Shadows of Economic Meltdown, Global Warming and Personal Worries are waving their ugly arms at us again. Will they win? Will they grasp our warm hearts and squeeze the living juices out of them? Once […]
If the novice seeks to understand fan-fiction, forget Fifty Shades of Gray – you could go far worse than start with the latest in Guy Richie’s Sherlock Holmes franchise. In the truest traditions of the […]