Film reviews, TV reviews and tales of film making and festivals
The Grande Raccordo Anulare (RGA) encircles Rome like the rings around Saturn. Or to put it another way, it’s an Italian M25, a big motorway spinning traffic around the capital’s hub. Gianfranco Rosi has used […]
L’Intrepido, directed by Gianni Amelio, was the first film of the day. It was also the one where I discovered that I had forgotten the larger of my two notepads. I could picture it sitting serenely on […]
If you died tomorrow who would come to your funeral? If you’re like me it’s not a question to which you’ve given much thought. I haven’t made a seating plan for the church, or even […]
How many actors do you need to make a gripping film? Attenborough’s Ghandi used over 300,000 extras, but in this age of austerity filmmakers are making do with much fewer. Steven Knight has just written […]