March 25, 2025

Contribute an article


We are always pleased to hear from people who would like to write for The Flaneur. You can get a sense of the topics we cover from browsing the website, but if you have something interesting  to say about something else then we’re keen to take a look.

Please paste your article into an email (rather than attaching it) and send to

Please also include a short bio.

If we like your article we will post it on the site.

 Ongoing vacancies

  • Theatre reviewers in London
  • Music reviewers (anywhere in the world)
  • Gig reviewers in London
  • Food and lifestyle reviewers in London
  • Film reviewers (anywhere in the world)
  • Sports writers (WEC, F1, Formula E, Cricket, Footie or any minority sport with which you are obsessed)

If you would like to join the team on an ongoing basis and help review the music, theatre and events taking place in London or newly released films – or something else entirely – then please email a suitable review, article or image that we can post to . Please also include a short bio and a longer blurb about what you are interested in writing about and any experience you have had. Not that experience is necessary.

Some positions require you to be in London, others you can undertake wherever you live in the world. None of them require you to sign up to a life of servitude. Do as much or as little as you like and enjoy contributing to seeing great work online.

The Flaneur is run on a voluntary basis at the moment, so there is no pay, though we can distribute review tickets and event invites.



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