March 7, 2025

What we publish

Excellent! You are considering submitting work to The Flaneur. Here are a few FAQs

Q:What do you want?

A: Whether you work with words, images or the fifth dimension we want to see your work. We love:
Opinions. Cartoons. Reviews of obscure shows. Poetry. Thoughts on Hungarian double-bills. Interviews with creatives. Poems. Fiction. Flash fiction. Satire. Humour. Humor. Oddities. Normalies.

Q: When do you publish? When should I send my work?
A: The Flaneur is published quarterlyish. We look at work when it comes it, but do not make any decisions until we edit the magazine. So send it in now. There is no point in waiting. You may miss the deadline.

Q: When will I hear from you?
A: Depending on where we are in the publishing cycle it could be this afternoon, or in ten weeks time. Sorry that’s as specific as we can be.

Q: Who can submit work?
A: Generally – anyone. Specifically – YOU! Anyone creating anything interesting is welcome to submit. We particularly welcome work that tilts towards the amusing. But we have a serious side too…

Q: How much should I submit?
A1: Images: attach 2. Please keep them small. We will contact you if we need high res when we lay out the newspaper.
A2:Text: Anything from the shortest flash fiction to 1000 word articles. We like brief 150 word reviews.

Q: What’s the recompense?
A: The thorny issue of money. As we are not living on caviar and Barolo Flaneur is not currently able to pay contributors, but everyone whose work is selected receives a complimentary pdf copy of The Flaneur on publication. We used to send a paper copy, but with contributors all around the world the postage became exorbitant.


2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. ART PUBLICATION: The Flaneur | Art and Art
  2. ART Publication Anyone? | Artist R.L. Gibson

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