March 9, 2025

Artist interview – Pierre Chaumont


Pierre Chaumont


Montréal, Canada


Brief artists statement

I am testing beliefs: yours through mines

How did you become an artist? Did you always dream of a life in the art-world?

Well, at first I wanted to become a stand-up comedian but every time I said that to friends or family I had the ”you’re joking right!?” kind of answer so, after writing and showcasing and  a entire show, I decided to go in the art world like that they would know I’m not joking anymore.


How has your education helped your career?

good question, I’m still trying to find the answer.

Do you work as an artist full-time? Describe your typical day. Do you have a routine?

Yes, full-time, 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.  Well, a normal day would be: wake-up,coffee, email, facebook, artinfo,, art-3000, re-title, then produce or fill up a submission call (with some facebook chat in between) eat, sometimes read, think about the production and then doubt it, sleep.

Which historical and contemporary artists do you refer to most often? How are you influenced by their work?

Francis Bacon, Damien Hirst, Gabriel Orozco. Bacon- show what lies underneath the skin, Hirst- find ways to test the rules of an established system and Orozco for creating new ways of seeing.

What are the other influences on your work?

Rubens, Fra Angelico, Baldessari

Do you have any tips or advice you wish you had known earlier in your career?

”If you had to die today, would you really be making this?”

Do you have a quotation that you keep coming back to and that keep you going? Have you a motto that gets you through?

”Talent is cheap”-Baldessari

”Who cares, you’d tell me, who cares about mockery if talent prevails?”-Baudelaire

”Doing with the playfulness of a child’s heart” -Buddhist monk

Which artist do you think is over-rated? Why?

except Jeff Koons? no one.

Do you or would you use assistants to make your work?

Not yet but I will because my thoughts are going faster than my hands

Which artist should we all look up immediately? What art magazines, blogs or sites should art lovers be looking at?

David Altmejd, Shary Boyle, Matthew Day Jackson, Cao Fei, Lee Bul

Finish this limerick:

There once was an artist from…………………………..let me think about it……………….hum………………………………………………………..I’ll be back with an answer.

Thanks to Pierre for his time in answering these questions.

If you would like to submit an interview please visit – interviews.

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