December 26, 2024

AbstractTweetism: The Manifesto of a new Art movement #AbstractTweet #art

The World's first abstract Tweet
The World's first abstract Tweet

#AbstractTweetism – The Manifesto of a new art movement

Abstraction has been a big part of the art world for decades and of Islamic art for centuries. All this time literature has had to make do with letters and words all placed in sentences. No freedom has been allowed to individual letters. Where has been the playfulness, the joy of letters and words for their own sake?

At last literature catches up with art

Twitter is the last remaining bastion of the anti-abstract and now the defences have been broken down and abstraction has broken through. The first Abstract Tweet was sent today:

The World's first abstract Tweet
The World’s first abstract Tweet

At last Twitter allows text to be enjoyed visually! This is as important a moment as when Kandinsky first improvised and composed his paintings. Literature will never be the same again.

#AbstractTweetism: The Manifesto:

There is an old and a new consciousness in literature and art.

#AbstractTweetism is an international movement and so forth.

Conventional language has taken the world as far as it can.

No more will be under the tyranny of words

The AbstractTweet is the poetry of the 21st century.

In the future the AbstractTweet will die but now it is the most vital force in Art

All those who #AbstractTweet sing of danger, rashness and audacity.

AbstractTweetism escapes the parrotry and pedanticism of letters

To join AbstractTweetism one only has to make an #AbstractTweet

By reading this Manifesto you have become an AbstractTweetism supporter.

hieg wifdhiw bf dhwu wnebfj!


Get your AbstractTweetism certificate

To join the AbstractTweetism movement just send an #AbstractTweet  with the hashtag #AbstractTweet. Put @flaneurzine in the tweet if you want us to see it immediately and officially approve your membership of AbstractTweetism. Is approval necessary? NO! Anyone can send a tweet and be a member. But official confirmation allows you download and fill in a smart certificate! Your membership will be approved quickly and you can download and fill in the certificate at the link below. Make sure that you get it signed by an upstanding member of society, or failing that anyone you can find.

Flaneur – Abstract Tweetism manifesto

Certificates should be displayed with pride. If you take a photo of your certificate on your wall, or held lovingly in your arms then tweet it to @flaneurzine.


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