I met The Mourning Suns some years ago and recently reconnected with band member Rosie. Below is a little introduction, written by the contributing band members about their collaboration, which you can also find on their blog.
The Mourning Suns is the musical lovechild of writing partners, Anthony Williams and Rosemary Wilkes, who first met in 2007 at Dartington College of Arts, Devon. Although, since returning to Birmingham, the Devonshire and Cornish countryside has left deep impressions on them, and mentioning’s of the South West leave their music with honest imprints of times of beauty, growth and sorrow.
Wilkes’ poetry delves into the unknown and rests in an unsettling way over the cleverly crafted music, dreamt and fashioned by melancholies own Anthony Williams. Notable influences found subtly simmering in their musical inventions are Ryan Adams, Belle and Sebastian, Feist, Nick Drake, Kate Bush, The Modern Lovers, PJ Harvey, The Smiths, and Radiohead.
Over the past year they have created a wealth of beautifully dark songs, which are heading to transcendence with the help of their collaborators, Jason Butler, Stuart Barker and Ric Yarborough.
Rosie, how old were you when you started playing?
I started playing guitar and writing songs when I was 11, but before that I was in an all girls pop band when I was eight, called The Stars. Ant was 14 or 15 when he started playing, he shared guitar lessons with Jason for years, and Stuart was 14 or 15 also, when he took up the bass, and Ric was at the wee age of two when he got his first kit.
What instruments do you play? What influenced your choices?
Rosie: My main instrument is my voice, but I also play guitar and piano. I always wanted to be a successful singer and songwriter. When I was younger I was obsessed by the music of Damien Rice and Kate Bush, their music definitely gave me something to aspire to.
Ant: Guitar, I saw my uncle playing when I was 14 and I wanted to be better than him. I also play piano and drums.
Jason: It was mainly the bands that I listened to when I first started playing guitar that inspired me, there were parts in the songs that I really wanted to be able to play. The guitar is the first thing I listen out for.
Stuart: I play double and electric bass and spend a lot of time trying to play the piano, failing…
Ric: I play piano, drums and percussion. I don’t what influenced me really, my mum just said I was always hitting stuff.
What genre would you call your music? Have you always been into this genre?
I would say alternative rock/post-folk. I have always wanted to front my own rock band, our music allows me to continue exploring my fascination with creating ambiguity through lyrics. As for the others, Ant and Jason have come from the slightly heavier side of rock/metal and for Stuart and Ric, our music must be a welcome break from mostly playing in Jazz bands, as they are both studying at Birmingham Conservatoire.
How would you describe your music?
Our music is lyric based, harmony filled (in a non cheesy way) atmospheric and communicative. When Ant and I are writing, it’s a very emotional experience, creating songs that to us carry such intimate imagery and messages. We try our best to help retain this electric depth to our music whilst rehearsing, recording and performing.
Do you think the Internet has helped musicians or hindered them?
The Internet has definitely made it easier for us as a band. People around the UK and the rest of the world can listen to our music. Without having our songs online they wouldn’t have found us, listened and shared their support. We use Twitter, Reverbnation, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Facebook and Tumblr, (please find links at the bottom of the article).
Who are the musicians we should all be running out to listen to?
Rosie: A very talented friend of mine makes beautiful folk music; you should definitely keep your eye on her – Kim Lowings & The Greenwood. Also, a really good friend of mine introduced me to the captivating music of Mountain Man.
Ant: Others to take a look at are, Tom Woodman, War from a Harlots Mouth, a brutal thrash/jazz band.
Jason: My favourite band for a long time has been Secondsmile, and Jaga Jazzist.
Stuart: I’m really into Jackie Mclean and Bud Powell, also, my friend Mc Soloman’s new stuff is worth listening to.
Ric: Everyone should check out Meshuggah, Thundercat, Johan Johaansson, and Ametsub.
When is your next recording coming out?
A few months ago we released a 5 track Demo online for downloading and general merriment. It can be found for sale on our Bandcamp profile. We also had an exciting opportunity come up last November, we recorded a track at the EMI Studios at the Round House, London to be part of a compilation album for emerging artists. SO WATCH THIS SPACE.
Lastly, what advice can you give to people just starting out?
Don’t be afraid to get your music online, and certainly don’t worry about sending it out to people. Just do it!
Links to The Mourning Suns:
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