What is happening in South London? New galleries and artist studios are opening, artist collectives are cropping up and you can feel the energy going around. Getting oriented is not easy! The Conch: A forum for critical discussion is the place to gain a free and relaxed insight into what is moving under the Thames.
Set up in June 2011, The Conch is a bi-monthly event that brings together artists, galleries and writers. Selected South London based galleries and collectives invite artists in the early stages of their career to present their works, both finished and in progress, to a peer group of arts professionals. Each artist invites a writer to contribute a text about his/her practice for the publication that accompanies the event.
The Conch is a simple idea that has the power of mirroring and mapping the lively landscape of the area and the freedom to build a proactive network, mixing and connecting the most interesting realities and practitioners like LuckyPDF, Hannah Barry Gallery, Off Modern, Zoe Brown, and The Woodmill.
Hosted by the South London Gallery, the project has served as a catalyst for growing public reception and is going to present its fifth event 0n Wednesday the 4th April.
At this point The Conch is almost one year old and it is still an open process. Having taken is title from the conch used by the boys in William Golding’s book ‘Lord of the Flies’, we hope it will have a better ending and will be a more constructive way to build a community.
Websites: www.theconchatslg.tumblr.com, www.southlondongallery.org
Info: Naomi@southlondongallery.org
Image credit: silvasilva
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