Silverstone had laid on some fun attractions to entertain the crowds who descended on the circuit for the FIAWEC World Endurance Championship. First up was some off-road segwaying, courtesy of Segway Events. The last time I considered Segwaying was in Rome when I saw a Segway sight-seeing trip around the city. I didn’t take up the offer as half of the fun of cities is wandering around them, but when I saw the hi-tech machines at Silverstone I had to have a go. Sean talked me through the basics and after kitting myself out with various protective items including a helmet I was soon jerking around like a man uncertain whether to go forward or back. It wasn’t that I was uncertain – all I was trying to do was stand still. Oddly it seems that standing still is the hardest part of the Segway experience.
Sean demonstrates the art of the Segway
After a few minutes it does become easier, although maybe that was because I was riding a special off-road X2 Segway with large tyres to cope with the effects of the British Weather on grass. There was an inflatable course to ride round, as well as a coned out area for beginners to learn the basics. I managed not to fall off, which I regard as a triumph and I left the Segway with all limbs intact and a realisation that it was a good job I hadn’t rented one in Rome last summer. If learning in a field in Northamptonshire is tricky, the idea of learning in Trastevere is madness.
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