‘Who Does He Think He Is?’
O! A son of Albion gives birth to the sun of Venice
And in doing so he gives heaven to the earth
Wielding brushes of both magic and menace
But what are we presented with-really? that tiny tattoo on that sail
Amongst a rabble of scribbles and scrabbles
Spoken as a whisper-echoing as a wail
For the love of a wide eye and a dropped jaw
A servant to all he saw and a master of awe
Scarred by the thunder of creativity and clouded with power
Heaving a palette like a mighty mallet
Delivering blow after blow- sour after sweet and sweet after sour
That stretches across the void between then and now
To haunt our reason as our reason howls out ‘how?’
And treason of the senses
Bulldozes down previous boundaries-previous fences
Some may say it no longer holds any relevance but those of us who see with the heart know differently
And we wonder just how has relevance held on for this long?
And how can something so physically weak be so conceptually strong?
Why can I see so much in such a thing that at first appeared so bereft?
And…what’s that?-just there- off to the left
A lilac blemish- a silhouette I will never forget
A palace, which forms as mists
Built from storms that casually fell off his wrists
And all this in a droplet
That feels like we are drinking deep from a deep goblet
Of life and it’s light that nourishes those starved by the dark
A watercolour that defies and denies words as common as ‘water’ and ‘colour’
As a smooth stroke but whose intoxicating influences smother
That hangs there as a skeleton of a sketch and yet gives off and gives out a full flash of fantastic flesh
Far greater than any bare bones
For this man becomes his art-he becomes this city-it’s canals channelled through his veins and his cracked skin it’s cracked stones
He offers this- a lonely, little shining page
Our attention it demands- defiant it stands- and it commands with a delicate rage
Blessing this humble offering with a mystic laurel so sacred
Dressing it in an honesty so naked
Yet it might as well be clothed in riches
With pearls and worlds, folds of gold, flatten the satin over canvas,
Though long since I have departed- ever since it started its presence itches
At the back of my eyes and at the back of my mind
How can he reach me from there?-being buried and treasured whilst his treasure buries deeper and deeper into the landscape of my soul
Who is he to throw shadows of doubt over everything I once thought I had seen?
Who is he to drip a dream into the world and wash the world in a dream?
A dream the size of a thorn but driven in like a lance
A dream the size of a scrap but it opens itself up as an expanse
Something, which by all rights should deserve a glance
But when all sights are cast upon it-it lulls them into a trance
Who does he think he is?
To simply do that and to simply do this
To cheat mother nature- to evade her and translate paper into trembling bliss
Who does he think he is?
He who turns heads
He who turns the tables
He who turns the tide
He who turns tricks in my mind
He who turns the screw of revolution
Why it is he of course- whose legacy-a river- runs breathlessly shattering other beauties on its shatteringly beautiful course
Whose flow will follow only one rule- the rule of only his own game
Who suspends suspense from a painted thread and it snaps every time anyone has ever said his name-
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