March 18, 2025

Oxjam 2011 gets ready to launch


If you haven’t been before, does one month of continues gigging and events across the UK all in the name of charity sound tempting? Oxjam takes place in October every year in cities across the UK including Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, London, Leeds and Bristol. Since its beginning in 2006, Oxjam has given over 40,000 musicians somewhere to flaunt their music and accommodated over 800,000 at 3,000 live events.

Apart from these staggering figures, don’t forget this is all for charity. £1.5million has been raised so far for Oxfam and this money has gone towards classrooms, emergency shelters and livestock.

Oxjam supports local acts so don’t worry, there will be no Lady Gagas or JLSs in your local venues this Autumn. There are however many celebrity supporters who include Hot Chip, Editors and Fatboy Slim.

The acts playing across Scotland have been announced and these include: Aerials Up, Sonic Hearts Foundation, Rose Parade, Two Rivers, Vigo Thieves, Tragic O’Hara, Fiction Faction, Forgotten Sunday and Mechanical Smile. With over 20% of people finding out about their local events via Facebook, make sure you check out your city’s page for the latest updates.

You still have time to volunteer to help out at this year’s festival or to put on a gig or two. Just get yourself over to the Oxjam website to sign up and find out more. You can even apply to perform at an Oxjam event near you.

By Heather Fraser

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