A bloggle of contemporary arts blogs – part 1
I’m not sure what the collective term for blogs is but we’re going to try and spread the usage of a Bloggle. Please use it as often as possible, drop it into conversation and let’s […]
I’m not sure what the collective term for blogs is but we’re going to try and spread the usage of a Bloggle. Please use it as often as possible, drop it into conversation and let’s […]
Throughout this film, I was very aware of watching characters on the screen, rather than real people. Knowing that the director, Julia Leigh, is originally a writer, and that this was her first foray into […]
by Jessica Stewart On the heels of Jakub Španhel’s 2011 opening at Dea Orh Gallery in Prague, and on the eve of his departure for Berlin to paint for the next six months, I caught […]
The woods groaned in nervous curiosity, swaying and shifting in the still air. Two creatures shuffled along in their midst, down a path of dirt and stones. They appear at first glance to be men, […]
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