Film Review: Prometheus
Directed by Ridley Scott, Prometheus follows the naive crew of trillionaire Peter Weyland, as they are put to sleep and set abound a portentous voyage to discover the beginnings of mankind. It is the wealth […]
Directed by Ridley Scott, Prometheus follows the naive crew of trillionaire Peter Weyland, as they are put to sleep and set abound a portentous voyage to discover the beginnings of mankind. It is the wealth […]
Just sometimes the big questions turn out not to be all that important. One such issue to get my goat lately is the battle between absolutists and relativists, each a pejorative from the opposite perspective […]
Inspired by the great Chelsea hotel in New York the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm has started a new programme – artists can pay for their room with a piece of art. The general manager’s father […]
Urban shorts ebook published today! The Flaneur’s first ebook of short stories, Urban Shorts is published today on Amazon. It is a collection of nine stories set in and around the city, from the following […]
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