December 19, 2024

Boris and Darcey Bussell launch Big Dance #BigDance2014

Big Dance, which will run from 5-13 July was officially launched yesterday by the Mayor of London and Darcey Bussell. Big Dance, founded in 2006, lives up to its name – it is the world’s largest celebration of dance, with hundreds of events across England.

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Darcey Bussell meets some of the dancers

Dancers of all ages performed by the Thames with the mayor joining in, before giving his very positive views on the power of dance. He then reminded everyone that Britain was a hotbed of dance – after all, ‘Walk like an Egyptian might sound like an Egyptian song, but it came from England’.

The Big Commonwealth Dance, entitled Beats for Peace, specially created for the Festival by the internationally acclaimed choreographer Rafael Bonachela, Artistic Director of Sydney Dance Company, will be one of the highlights of Big Dance Weekend on the 12th and 13th July. This will performed by 6,000 dancers linked to a global audiences through film and broadcast from London’s Trafalgar Square, outside Sydney Opera House and Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

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