December 19, 2024

Admission – a poem by Sarah Marchant

Admission A breath of crisp air and amid banana-shake aftertaste, the giggling of girls, the frenzy of road games, a thought blooms like a single drop of rain — I’ve kissed those collarbones.

Pulse – a poem by Sarah Marchant

a warm-colored thrum spreads, a web of fingertip   touches and threads of lightning silver my eyelids – I have   tasted the sun-beads, have been enveloped by the   sweet-spell, and it reverberates.

Channel Orange: Album review.

Much of the hype around Frank Ocean has been about his sexuality and not necessarily his music. He published a moving letter on his Tumblr page, revealing a time when he was in love with […]

The Old Bird

  Raised glasses toast at the stretched saloon, away from the humanised beats and moving feet, I wonder the crowd mesmerised by the colourful bulbs, To the open road where there’s smoke, I retreat.   […]

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