March 17, 2025

In a flight over Greece

Eyes devouring the grey blue as we penetrate the softness of the cotton clouds, even those seem to be lighter now… I just can’t help from staring outside feeling the wetness of your soil and […]


Exorcism Two faced, contagious waste, Streaming from your eyes Polluting my air. Every breath I despise. Slyness, trickery, Cunning, illicit, Persuading vacant bystanders, Into thinking it’s legitimate. Games and circles, Triumphs and falls. Cycles and […]

Frankly, my dear, you’ve created a damn!

Frankly my dear you’ve created a damn! Rolling back tears like lithium laced ham Displaying a facade of autumn covered ease As she thought about crumbling crackers like the floor beneath her knees Repetition made a bed […]

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