Fine Art from around the world
Normally art galleries are quiet and contemplative. It’s what puts people off them, sorry, I mean, it’s why people like them. Things are very different at the Martin Creed show at the Hayward Gallery. Walk […]
Their music might sound simple to some – pigeon holed on paper as just another Japanese acid-punk band; but hear ye the roaring avalanche of heady guitars suffused with the idiosyncratic vocals of frontman Taigen, […]
It’s dark. Rain beats down on us as we approach a large thicket of black trees, silhouetted from inside by the brilliant white light of arc lamps. Framed by an arch of branches a tall […]
Last night saw the launch of The Correspondents new single ‘Alarm Call’ – but this was no ordinary music release. Celebrated at the central London art gallery Berloni, as well as the new track there was […]