July 27, 2024

of Leaving and Returning Home

The erstwhile decadence of the Cote d’Azur has given way to a different sort of extravagance.  An onslaught of burnished VIPs and yachts crowd the harbour; subject to the driving force of money and transforming […]

The Getaway Guide for Men – Paris!

  “The only thing wrong with Paris is …” the cliché we all know and shamelessly love is not entirely unfounded. Parisians are renowned – even in the rest of France – for their acrimony […]

A weekend in Paris

Returning to the UK with a sunburned face I look a little like an umpa lumpa who has wandered from his sun-bleached saccharin idyll to a perpetual cloudy, dark October day. In fact, if you […]

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