Opinion, thought, philosophy
In his 30 point Belief and Technique for modern prose Jack Kerouac exhorts writers to ‘Believe in the holy contour of life’ and to be ‘Writer-Director of earthly movies Sponsored & Angeled in Heaven.’ It […]
The Flaneur Abroad- International and Historical Perspectives on an Urban Archetype A conference to warm the cockles of your heart in Nottingham. The Flaneur comes under the microscope, looking at the phenomenon outside its Paris […]
40 years ago Photo Journalist Ian Berry was commissioned to photograph the community of Whitechapel. The aim of this venture was to reach out to the community and entice them into the existing local gallery. […]
Remember when you were little, maybe five or six years old, and your mum took you shopping with her? You would trudge along, dragging – and purposefully scuffing – your shoes along the ground reluctantly. […]